Friday, November 29, 2019

13 Quotes to Share with Your Dad This Fathers Day

13 Quotes to Share with Your Dad This Fathers Day Good fathers are difficult to find. If you have a gem of a father and you wish to make him feel special, here is your chance. Wish him a very happy fathers day with some brilliant fathers day quotes. If you have shied away from expressing your warm feelings to your father, dont lose this opportunity. These charming fathers day quotes can awaken and rebuild long-lost relationships. Erika Cosby   You know... fathers just have a way of putting everything together. Clarence Budington Kelland He didnt tell me how to live; he lived, and let me watch him do it. Gabriel Garcia Marquez   A man knows when he is growing old because he begins to look like his father. Lord Chesterfield As fathers commonly go, it is seldom a misfortune to be fatherless; and considering the general run of sons, as seldom a misfortune to be childless. National Urban League Slogan   Dont make a baby if you cant be a father. Aldous Huxley   Sons have always a rebellious wish to be disillusioned by that which charmed their fathers. Helen Rowland   A mans desire for a son is usually nothing but the wish to duplicate himself in order that such a remarkable pattern may not be lost to the world. Austin OMalley   The worst misfortune that can happen to an ordinary man is to have an extraordinary father. Confucius   The father who does not teach his son his duties is equally guilty with the son who neglects them. William Penn   He who is taught to live upon little owes more to his fathers wisdom than he who has a great deal left him does to his fathers care. Charles Wadworth   By the time a man realizes that maybe his father was right, he usually has a son who thinks hes wrong. Anonymous   Small boys become big men through the influence of big men who care about small boys. Tom Wolfe, The Bonfire of the Vanities   Sherman made the terrible discovery that men make about their fathers sooner or later... that the man before him was not an aging father but a boy, a boy much like himself, a boy who grew up and had a child of his own and, as best he could, out of a sense of duty and, perhaps love, adopted a role called Being a Father so that his child would have something mythical and infinitely important: a Protector, who would keep a lid on all the chaotic and catastrophic possibilities of life.

Monday, November 25, 2019

How does Hesiods writing on the gods differ from its supposed eastern models Essay Example

How does Hesiods writing on the gods differ from its supposed eastern models Essay Example How does Hesiods writing on the gods differ from its supposed eastern models Paper How does Hesiods writing on the gods differ from its supposed eastern models Paper Essay Topic: History Hesiods writings date to the end of the 8th century B. C. and as such, are probably the oldest surviving work of Greek literature. His two most famous works are the Theogony and Works and Days. The latter is a poem addressed to his brother, and concerns ethical, mythical and agricultural information. The Theogony is the first epic poem composed by Hesiod, and is a mythical account of the creation of the world, and how the Greek gods were born. Theogony literally means the genesis, or birth, of gods. It deals with personified gods, such as Zeus and Apollo, as well as the gods seen as part of the physical universe, such as the earth, sky, stars and wind. It is almost certain that much of the material in the Theogony was not made up by Hesiod, but was rather part of the tradition of oral poetry, possibly dating as far back as the Neolithic origins of Indo-European myth, or to the Minoan-Mycenaean world and its relationships with eastern cultures. Several near eastern theogonies have survived, and can be compared to the work of Hesiod. However, it must always be kept in mind, that correlation does not prove causation. This means that although we can note differences and many similarities between Hesiod and the eastern parallels, we cannot say whether the near eastern myths directed Hesiod directly, or whether it simply became mixed into the traditional Greek theogonies over time. The two main models from near eastern literature are the Babylonian creation epic, the Enuma Elish and the Hurrian-Hittite Kingship in Heaven which is also known as the Song of Kumarbi. In order to understand the similarities, and therefore be able to see the differences, in each of these three main writings about the gods, we must first outline the story portrayed in each one. In Hesiods Theogony, the first thing created was Chaos, which he sees as a dark, gaping void. After Chaos came Gaia (earth), Tartara and Eros. Chaos gives birth to Erebos and Night, and Gaia gives birth to Ouranos (sky), the mountains, and the sea. She then couples with Ouranos and the Titans are produced, including crafty Kronos1. She also produces the Cyclopes and the three hundred-handers. Ouranos hates his children and so hide them inside Gaia. Gaia asks her children for help, but all save Kronos are too afraid. He arms himself with a sickle, and slices off Ouranoss genitals. The drops of blood from the genitals fall on the earth and produce the Erinyes, the giants and the meliai. The genitals were thrown into the sea, and from the foam emerged Aphrodite. Kronos then has six children with his sister, Rhea, but because of a prophecy that one will overcome him, he swallows them all. On the sixth child however, Rhea deceives him, and he swallows a stone instead of Zeus. This means Zeus can grow up safely, after which Kronos vomits the stone, and the other children. There is then a ten year war between the Titans and the younger gods, which is won by the younger gods when Zeus employs the help of the hundred-handers on the advice of Gaia. The Titans are defeated and are trapped in Tartarus, far below the earths surface. After this, a huge monster called Typhoeus is created from Gaia and Tartarus, and is also defeated by Zeuss thunderbolts. This makes Zeus the acclaimed king of the gods. His first wife Metis is destined to give birth to a son stronger than Zeus, so he swallows her in order to stop the cycle of succession, but she still gives birth, and her daughter Athena emerges through Zeuss skull. Zeus and his other wives then created many other divinities. Hesiods Theogony parallels much of the creation myth of the Near East Kingship in Heaven as found in the Hittite library of Hattusas. The Kumarbi tale shows up in a Hittite text that predates Hesiod by some 500 years. After an invocation of various gods invited to listen to the song, the myth says that Alalu was once king for nine years. In the ninth year his cupbearer Anu took over after a battle. Then Anus cupbearer Kumarbi, who was the seed of Alalu, fought and overcame him. Anu tried to flee to the sky, but Kumarbi caught him by the feet as he rose, bit off his genitals and swallowed them. In doing this he swallows at least three terrible gods, Tessub the storm-god, his attendant Tasmisu, and the river Tigris. Kumarbi spits out what he can, but some gods remain inside him, possibly including Marduk and lust. It is thought that one might have come out through his skull. Tessub also emerges from Kumarbi, and hears of the gods Ea and Kumarbi plotting. He plans to do battle with Kumarbi, but the story is broken. All we know is that Ea becomes angry, and at the end of the song, Earth becomes pregnant and gives birth to two children, and then Ea is happy. The Enuma Elish means when from above, as the myth begins When in the height heaven was not named, and the earth beneath did not yet bear a name,2. Apsu, the river water, and Tiamat, the sea are mingles together, and gods were born inside them. From these gods were born Anshar and Kishar. Anshar was the father of Anu, who was the father of Ea, who was very wise and powerful. All these gods were very noisy, and neither Apsu nor Tiamat could control them. Apsu decides to destroy them, supported by Mummu. Tiamat does not agree and tells the younger gods, who then fall silent. Ea comes up with a plan to cast a magic sleep on Apsu, and then steal his sash, crown and radiance. He ties Apsu up, kills him, and lives on top of him with Damkina, and they produce a son called Marduk. Anu gives Marduk the four winds to play with, but he uses them to make dust storms and whirlwinds, making Tiamat restless. The other gods inside her get annoyed, and try to convince her to avenge Apsus death. She agrees, and eleven species of monster are created for the war. One of Tiamats sons, Kingu, is given supreme power and the Tablet of Destinies. Ea is shocked when he hears of this, and goes out to try and use his spells on Tiamat, but she is too powerful, and he retreats in fear. Anshar then send Anu to try and calm Tiamat down, but this also fails. Ea asks Marduk to offer his services as saviour of the gods, which he does, and becomes king. He arms himself with a bow, a mace, lightning, a net, and his winds, and also created seven more wild winds. He captures Tiamat in the net, and uses the winds against her when she opens her mouth to swallow him. He then shoots an arrow through her mouth, which pierces her heart. Her allies try to escape, but they are all captured and tied up, and Kingu has to give the Tablet of Destinies to Marduk. Marduk then splits Tiamat in two, and creates heaven and earth. He uses Eas help to slay Kingu and makes mankind from his blood. The gods then build Babylon in honour of Marduk, and the poem ends in a recital of Marduks names, and a short epilogue. It can be easily seen that there are many similarities between these three theogony myths. Which influenced which cannot be established, but it can be guessed that the song of Kumarbi, and the Enuma Elish both had some kind of influence on Hesiods Theogony. It is by looking at the similarities between these tales, that the differences can be ascertained. In the Hittite song of Kumarbi, we have a sequence similar to that seen in Hesiods Theogony, in which Alalu has no Greek counterpart, but Anu is parallel to Ouranos, Kumarbi to Kronos, and Tessub to Zeus. Anus name even directly corresponds to Ouranos as both mean Sky. Kumarbi was a corn god, and many scholars think that Kronos was a god of harvest, due to his wielding of a sickle, and the celebration of his festival after the harvest. Tessub, like Zeus, is a storm god. Another similarity between Hesiods Theogony and the Hittite myth is that both Anu and Ouranos have their genitals cut off before going to heaven, and from these genitals more divinities arise. Anu warns Kumarbi about the trouble he will be in, just as Ouranos warn the Titans that they will have to pay for castrating him There will be revenge afterwards. 3. Kumarbi and Kronos both have a number of gods inside them for a while, including the storm god. Both stories also involve deliberate acts of swallowing by the host god. At one point in the Hittite story Kumarbi says he is going to eat one of his children, as Kronos does in the Greek version. Both are given a stone instead, and in both cases, the stone is set up as a cult object. Also, one god seems to come from Kumarbis skull, in the same way Athena does from Zeuss. This shows how closely the Theogony seems to follow the story in the Hittite song of Kumarbi, using similar motifs, and paralleled events. There are several differences between the two as well, although the similarities far outweigh these. One of the main differences is that there is no equivalent character in the Theogony to the character of Alalu, apparently a god of the earth, in the Hittite myth. The other main difference concerns the episode in which there are gods inside the host god, either Kumarbi or Kronos. In the Hittite myth, the gods get inside Kumarbi when he swallows Anus genitals. They are then left inside Kumarbi, waiting to be born. In the Theogony, Kronos deliberately swallows each of the gods, after their birth, as an attempt to undo the prophecy that one of his children will overcome him. Also, the reasons for swallowing the stone seem to de different, although the broken text of the Song of Kumarbi makes this difficult to clarify. In Hesiods version, Kronos swallowed the stone, thinking it was Zeus, but in the Hittite story the storm god Tessub still needs to be born, and so it is a possibility that he swallowed the stone as an emetic aid. After the castration of the sky god we can perceive another variation in the myths. In Hesiods version Ouranos only plays a minor role in the story after he is succeeded, and only gives advice or warning, whereas in the Hittite story, Anu still plays an important part. The religious aspect of the Hittite text seems to be different to that of the Theogony, as the storm god Tessub does not appear to be a proper match to Hesiods Zeus. Hesiod tells us of an invincible Zeus, who wins over both the Titans and Typhoeus, which does not seem to compare to Tessub, in that he also suffers defeat. There are also many striking similarities between the Theogony and Enuma Elish. Both myths begin with a pair of elemental parents that have many children, who remain inside their mother and cause her distress. The father in both stories; whether Apsu in the Babylonian version, or Ouranos in Hesiods Theogony; hates the children and wishes to suppress them, against the mothers wishes. The young gods in each story are struck with fear, but then one of them, the clever god, Ea or Kronos, comes up with a plan to overcome the father. In each story, the clever god is the son of the sky, and the father of the final king. In the Enuma Elish, Ea is the clever god, son of Anu, the sky, and father of Marduk, the final king. In Hesiods Theogony, the pattern followed is replicated, with Kronos being the clever god, son of Ouranos, the sky, and father of Zeus, the final king. Marduk and Zeus share another similarity. Both have to take part in a battle and defeat their massive opponent, and take over their rule as the king of the gods. Both also use wild winds and lightning bolts as their weapons. In the succession part of the Theogony, Gaia gives birth to Ouranos, the sky. The sky is seen as a cover or a roof, which is paralleled in the Enuma Elish, when Marduk cuts Tiamat in two and One half of her he established as a covering for heaven4 The same method must be used to find the differences between the Enuma Elish and the Theogony, as was used to find the dissimilarities between Hesiod and the Hittite myths. In looking at the similarities, the differences can be seen. The main difference is obviously the fact that the Enuma Elish is not actually a theogony, in that it does not attempt to give a complete genealogy of the gods, unlike in Hesiod. In the Theogony, after Gaia gives birth to Ouranos, she produces the mountains, however in the Enuma Elish, Marduk creates the mountains from Tiamats udder. In the Enuma Elish, Apsu seems to be compared to Ouranos, as the bad parent who wishes to destroy his children. However, although Tiamat does not agree with Apsu, she remains fairly neutral at first, whereas Gaia encourages and helps her son Kronos come up with a plan to get revenge on Ouranos. After revenge has been brought about on Apsu and Ouranos by Ea and Kronos, respectively, we see another difference between the texts, as Ea is a good father to Marduk, and helps him rise to power, whereas Kronos clashes with his son Zeus, and is by no means a good parent like Ea. The final main difference between the Enuma Elish and the Theogony is that at the end of the Enuma Elish, Marduk is praised, by the recital of all fifty of his names, whereas in the Theogony, although many lists of names do appear, the list at the end is not the names of Zeus but is a description of his wives, and the children produced to make the well known Greek Pantheon. Another difference is that in both the song of Kumarbi and the Theogony, there is some kind of castration of the father god, but in the Enuma Elish there is no such theme as Apsu is killed, not castrated. The castration of Ouranos in the Theogony seems to represent the separation of Heaven and Earth, which were previously together. There does not appear to be any similar significance placed on this act in the Kumarbi myth, and the Enuma Elish does not even have a comparable act, let alone a shared significance. Another detail shared by the song of Kumarbi and the Theogony is that of conflict of the final king with his father. In the Enuma Elish, Marduks conflict is not with his father, but with Tiamat and Kingu. There are several other differences between Hesiods writing on the gods and its supposed eastern models. One of these variations is seen at the start of the Theogony, in which Hesiod composed a hymn to the muses. The muses are purely Greek figures, with no eastern parallels, so have no counterpart in either the song of Kumarbi or the Enuma Elish. The succession myth near the beginning of the Theogony begins with the cosmogony, which also does not appear to be modelled on any eastern myth, and neither does the birth of Aphrodite, as her birth from the foam seems to be a Greek concept. It is obvious that there are many similarities between Hesiods writing on the gods and the similar eastern texts, but the extent of the differences makes it difficult to see which myth influenced which, and we simply have to accept that there are many overlapping, but different, theogonies in the ancient world.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

La Cienaga Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

La Cienaga - Essay Example After attending to Argentinian Film Centre which shut down during economic down fall in 1989 she volunteered in short filming; spent some time in reading Greek philosophy; and watched movies to dig her knowledge in cinematography of filming. Her masterpiece made her script La Cienage won award in 1999. To develop her production the prize was merely used as a capital. Martel's works withstand and become passion to Argentine cinema renewal. She molds every craft and shape with heart and design for artifact of sound. It is like that she's representing herself to the place of spectator and characters intentionally constructed with the touch of her experience. Thus she put characters to serve as vehicle to represent the actual crisis of Argentine emerged to revelation of desire and hope to live indifferently. Martel's works have strong relationship into her experiences. The movement of New Argentina Cinema and the prominent crisis is the astray of diverse screen-play class, its timing helps the not only Martel but the other best-known representatives bring out into the heat of enthusiasm of hallmark cinema art. Looking at the deeper notion of "La Cienaga" the characters are portrait of Argentina's catastrophe in geography and climate. As for the cast of "La Cienaga" human fate is caused by nature and the film is an exceptional autobiographical of many ways. It tells about the story of dysfunctional two related families at their devastating lives. One is on the outcry of declination at middle class family while the other is in the marginalized situation of upper class level.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

It is now commonplace to claim that Boas and Malinowski were founding Essay

It is now commonplace to claim that Boas and Malinowski were founding fathers of anthropology in the US and Britain respectively. Choosing one or the other exam - Essay Example This recognition has a number of corollaries, including one that invites us to think about ethnographic texts -- and anthropology as a discipline -- in the terms we have traditionally used in periodizing literary history. Many of us now speak of a "Victorian" as opposed to a "modernist" anthropology. This essay represents an attempt to complicate the basic assumptions of this interdiscipline on a number of grounds, and from a number of different perspectives. First, I would like to trouble the border we often imagine existing between Victorian and modernist anthropology, a gesture which I hope will have its implications for the literary border as well. I am interested in this project not so much because I see periodisations as inherently misguided, but rather the opposite: because I think such distinctions are only as good as the specific historical instances that both support and challenge them. Second, I would like to challenge the largely textual basis of the grounds on which we may be tempted to delineate this border, and suggest that, having established the textual nature of ethnography, we may wish to turn our attention to other social and institutional similarities between ethnographic work and the artistic and literary practices of a given period. I am especially interes ted here in the changing conditions of intellectual labor in the epochal moment of the turn of the twentieth century. To address these issues I will take as my subject the early career of Franz Boas, who for various reasons has come to be regarded as the "father" of American anthropology (by which is really meant professional anthropology, a point to which I shall return at some length). Born in 1858 to a free-thinking Jewish family in Minden, Westphalia, and dying in 1942 after a lengthy career as the preeminent anthropologist in the United States, Boas could be said not only to have traversed centuries and continents, but to have charted a path from the German

Monday, November 18, 2019

Business Strategy of Google Company Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words - 4

Business Strategy of Google Company - Term Paper Example Corporate vision statement largely displays the direction of a company that it seeks to intent for achieving its set of objectives. The vision statement largely defines the possible future strategies of the organization. A good vision statement not only helps shareholders and customers but also seeks to induce a motivating effect on the employees of the organization (Fitzroy & Herbert, 2009, p.157). Google’s vision statement is reflected as a ten point strategic framework named as ten things. The ten point vision framework largely includes ensuring simplicity, innovation, and ethics (Google-a, n.d.). The core competency of Google is based on the aspect of the simplistic yet innovative nature of the product offering of the organization. Google core competencies lie in its ability to produce a diverse product with large-scale innovations that delight the users by the simple yet effective performance. The core competence of Google also comes from its unique search engine algorithm that has made it the most popular search engine of the web (Sugano, Goncalves & Figueira, 2009, p.57). The mission statement is a single and short statement that describes the purpose of existence of an organization (Kaplan, Norton & Barrows, 2008, p.3-4). The mission statement of Google is stated as follows: Google is a public company which has its shares listed on the bourses of the NASDAQ stock exchange. The stakeholders of Google include suppliers, government, trade associations, employees as well as the employee unions. The company aims to ensure the continued welfare of the shareholders and ensures a good return on their investments (Morrow, 2008).   PESTEL is a tool that can be used to analyze the external environment of an organization.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Mobile Game-Based Learning (mGBL) Development Methodology

Mobile Game-Based Learning (mGBL) Development Methodology 1.0 Introduction There is increasing interest in the use of ICT and educational technology to promote learning formally or informally. Such technologies are educational software in CD, web-based or online learning, e-learning, Computer-Based Training (CBT), and most recently mobile learning (m-learning). M-learning can be described as a learning technique that happens across locations or that takes advantage of learning opportunities offered by mobile technologies such as mobile phones, smart phones, PDAs and handheld devices. Many research findings show the potential and effective use of mobile technologies for learning purpose (Naismith et al., 2006; Pachler, 2007) with using variety of learning systems as listed in Table 1. Table 1: Example of Mobile Learning Systems Application Types Project Names Authors SMS text message BBC Bitesize Programme Mobile Learning Language System Learning System (Blackboard) BBC Bitesize (2003) Thornton and Houser (2004) Vassell et al. (2006) Mobile Game mGBL project Mathematic Video Game- Skills Area Virus MIT Game-To-Teach Mitchell et al. (2006) Lee et al. (2004) Collella (2000) Klopfer and Squire (2002) Mobile Application Classroom Response System -Educue Ambient Wood Butterfly Watching System Interactive Audio-Visual tour Dufresne at al. (1996) Rogers at al (2002) Chen at al. (2004) Proctor and Burton (2003) Although there are many application types in mobile learning, this research is focusing on the mobile game as a scope of study. Mobile game-based learning (mGBL) is a game specifically for learning which is also played on a mobile phone, smart phone, PDA or handheld devices. The purpose of mGBL is by using game play to enhance motivation in order to learn, engage education, or to enhance effectiveness of learning content transfer or other specific learning outcome. In a general term, mGBL can be categorized as a serious game (Sawyer and Smith, 2008). The research on serious game increases dramatically world wide (Corti, 2006) and this is due the fact that the growing usage and popularity of exploiting game to support learning (Sawyer, 2008). Figure 1 shows that the GBL is the most popular terms searched via Google amongst other game-based concept. Figure 1: Popularity on Game-Based Concept (based on Sawyer, 2008) To fully utilize the potential of mGBL, we must look beyond the practice uses of the mGBL. The most important part is the design and methodology to develop mGBL. Developing a good game is very important because to make sure the player is motivated enough to keep playing the game until the game goal has been achieved (Kramer, 2000; Rollings and Morris, 2004) and similarly to mGBL by adding learning module as stated by Prensky (2001), Becker (2006), and Gee (2003). In order to take advantage of those aspects of â€Å"good† games for learning, the design and development of mGBL must be studied. 2.0Research Motivations The ownership of mobile phone exponentially increasing all around the world. For example in Malaysia the subscriptions of mobile phone are growing rapidly with a high penetration rate (MCMC, 2007). This is due to the fact that mobile technology is naturally portable, flexible to anywhere, possible to connect us to variety of information sources and enable communication everywhere (Smith et. al, 1999; Naismith et al., 2006). With such huge potential, there is possibility of using mobile for learning because it combines the wireless connectivity and educational contents (text, multimedia, application) delivered according to learners location, requirements and skills (Salz, 2006). One of the educational content is mGBL because it can be exploited to be an interesting mobile content. Most of students like playing games. Looking at this prospective market for game, mGBL is worth to be one of the mobile learning content. In addition, there are a lot of advantages of using games for learning. Cisic et al. (2007) discuss the advantages of games which can promote learning by motivation, play environment, and role playing. Therefore mGBL suppose to be developed in an appropriate way which can further achieve the learning objective for mobile learning. Other aspect of motivating for this research is the proposed Malaysian government initiative. Norshuhada and Syamsul Bahrin (2008) have discussed about the Malaysian government initiative which has introduced the Malaysian MyICMS 886 to promote local content development: â€Å"MyICMS 886 dictates a number of strategies for the growth of local content and these are promoting awareness, building competencies in higher education and forming strategic alliances. The goals are to encourage local creativity, address new content demands and also export content. In achieving these goals, the Malaysian government together with a number of key industry players have provided many funding incentives specifically for local content production.† The Malaysian government initiative is mainly purpose to encourage local company to create and develop local-based content with their creativity for marketing both locally and internationally. 3.0Research Problem Embedding learning content to mobile games can be complicated because mobile games differ from the application software, particularly designing educational game. In order to develop mGBL, it is crucial for developer to refer at the comprehensive design and development methodology. The development of mGBL can be a combination of two models; game development method and instructional design (ID) model. Most of ID models contain valuable insights and guidelines for development of instruction. Each addresses various problems effectively and it would be foolish to ignore them in an attempt to create any learning based technology (Becker, 2006). In addition, Moser (2000) stated that ID model can and should be incorporated into new setting (in different media) for designing object learning and the ability of the method to provide the necessary element of learning. Various game design models and development methods have been proposed and are made available in different genre of games, with each having their own requirements. Similarly to ID models offer different components which cater to which context one applies (Gustfason and Branch, 1997; Moser, 2000). Although game development has a history of implementation in ID (Garris et al. (2002), literature still lack available of comprehensive methods specifically for developing mGBL applications. Most of the methods are guidelines or general approaches for developing mobile game (Dholkawala, 2007; IGDA, 2005). Other concerning aspect to develop mGBL is the restrictions on design in mobile environment such as screen design, interaction, and software/hardware dependent (Lee, 2005). The guideline on how to align with these restrictions should also be included in the development method, so that the developer will put into consideration when they apply it into the real development. 4.0Research Objectives In attempting to cater this problem, the following research objectives are devised. The main research objective is to propose a methodology for developing mobile game-based learning (mGBL). In accomplishing the main objective, the following sub-objectives are also formed: To investigate the key issues of: developing mobile game for learning embedding ID model in developing mGBL. To explore and identify the main components of methodology for developing mGBL. To develop the methodology for development of mGBL. To test the proposed methodology by developing a prototype. To evaluate the proposed methodology in term of development efficiency 5.0Research Questions In achieving the objectives, four main questions bring up: What are the key issues of developing mobile game-based learning? What are the components of design model for developing mobile casual game for learning (mGBL)? What are the flows and cycles of the mGBL development methodology? How to evaluate the efficiency of the proposed methodology? 6.0Research Methodology A prominent design science research methodology (Vaishnavi and Kuechler, 2007) will be adopted for accomplishing the research objective because the expected main output for this research is a methodology. The methodology is divided into five phases; Awareness of Problem, Suggestions Development, Evaluation, and Conclusion. Figure 2 illustrates the activities will be conducted in this study. Activities Phases 1.1 Literature study, web browsing information reuse Research Methodology 1 Awareness of Problem 2 Suggestion 3 Development 4 Evaluation 5 Conclusion 1.3 Initial study on the usage of mobile game among students 1.4 Survey study on mGame Development Methodology among mGame developers Outcomes 2.1 Study on the flow and cycle of the mGBL development Research problems Key issues of mGBL development Components of mGBL methodology 1.2 Comparative study on current mGBL methodologies/ models 3.1 Develop the proposed mGBL methodology 4.1 Test the proposed methodology by developing a prototype 5.1 Report writing and research publication 4.2 Evaluate the proposed methodology in term of development efficiency Proposed mGBL methodology mGBL Prototype Evaluation Result Publications 2.2 Combine the mGBL development components Obj 1 Obj 2 Obj 3 Obj 4 Obj 5 Figure 2: Research methodology adopted from Vaishnavi Kuechler (2007) 7.0Comparative Study on the GBL Design and Development Models This study is conducted in order to compare and explore the available design and development methods proposed by several researchers. The collected models can be analyzed into two: (1) General Game-based Learning Models and (2) Mobile Game Design Models and Methodologies. The general GBL models as following: Amory and Seagram (2003) Game Object Model (GOM), Game Achievement Model (GAM); and Persona Outlining Model (POM). Amory (2007) Game Object Model II Garris et al. (2002) Input-Process-Outcome Game Model Kiili (2005) Kiilis Model Norma (2005) Engaging Multimedia Design Model Watson (2007) Games for Activating Thematic Engagement (GATE) Tan et al. (2007) Adaptive Digital Game-based Learning Framework Noor Azli et al. (2008) Framework for Designing GBL for Children Nor Azan Wong (2008) -GBL Model for history courseware design The mobile game development models and methodologies as listed below: Mitchell et al. (2006) mGBL model Paras Bizzocchi (2005) -Integrated Model for Educational Game Design Dholkawala (2005) Best Practice for Mobile Game Development McGuire (2006) Scrum Methodology Dynamic Ventures (2007) -Game Development Methodology Edwards Coulton (2006) Design-Protect-Build-Test-Market-Sell Novak (2004, 2007) Game Development Process Janousek (2007) Game Life Cycle The separation between the above two analyzed categories is based on the differences on the design model and development methodologies. As stated by Vaishnavi and Kuechler (2007), design model is a set of propositions which express the relationship between components or concept. On the other hand, development methodology is a set of steps or guidelines used to perform a task. Table 2 and 3 illustrate a summary of the comparative study on the design or development models and methodologies for game-based learning (GBL), mobile game (mGame), and mobile game-based learning (mGBL). The analysis is based on descriptions, advantages, and disadvantages of the models. Table 2: A summary of GBL models No. Name Author/ Proposed by Description Disadvantages 1. GOM (Game Object Model) Amory Seagram (2003) GOM is a design model and also an evaluation model GOM relates game elements to the promotion of educational objectives 2. GAM (Game Achievement Model) Amory Seagram (2003) GAM is a design and evaluation model GAM is part of GOM The GAM works on the principle of linking educational and in-game objectives in order to create a continuous experience and maintain interest in the game. This forms the outline of the game and the basic story. 3. POM (Persona Outlining Model) Amory Seagram (2003) POM is a design and evaluation model POM uses expected player interaction to build a persona concept to better define the best design POM works under the concept of four fundamental questions. Who will be exploiting the system? What will they be doing? How will they do it? With what technology will the system be developed? 4. GOM Version II Amory (2007) GOM II is an extended model of GOM The most significant addition caused by this model the addition of the Social Space This is only a design model which is not providing the development methodology. GOM has a tendency to focus too much on mechanical aspects GOM covers so many things it will become necessary to create a complicated evaluation system to match it. Although it claims to be a model that integrates education theory and game design, it does so at an abstract level by placing a requirement for learning objectives as part of the model. There are no actual examples and there is no data. This model doesnt really do much to address how to implement learning objectives, which to my mind is at the core of all instructional design. These model generally applicable for educational software. 5. Input-Process-Outcome Game Model Garris et al. (2002) This is a design model. The model adopts the input-process-output framework, and provides a game cycle that is triggered by specific game features. The objective of this model is to incorporate instructional and certain features of games at first level which then trigger a cycle that includes user judgments or reactions such as enjoyment or interest, user behaviors such as greater persistence or time on task, and further system feedback. Finally, this engagement in game play leads to the achievement of training objectives and specific learning outcomes. This is only a design model which is not providing the development methodology. The model focuses on the game play and game cycle. 6. Kiilis Model Kiili (2005) This is a design model. The model works to related already existent game theory with already existent educational theory in order to create a functional model based off of already well accepted concepts. Foremost important in the Killi Model is the concept of Flow Theory found in game design. Kiliis model can best be viewed as one large problem linked by a series of smaller problems. This is only a design model which is not providing the development methodology. Kiliis model focuses only on behavioral aspects 7. Engaging Multimedia Design Model Norma (2005) This is a design model. This model focuses on the engagement level of a learner. The concept of this model can be adapted into designing an educational game. This is only a design model which is not providing the development methodology. This model is a general model for multimedia design specifically for children. 8. GATE (Games for Activating Thematic Engagement) theory Watson (2007) This is a design model. GATE theory is a theory of educational game design driven around the principles of engaging the learner in a topic in order to encourage further exploration. The underlying premise behind GATE is to make the player autonomous and self-motivated. The model heavily based upon the works of Bruner This is only a design model which is not providing the development methodology. The GATE model is too abstract. The GATE model is still too new for there to be a body of evidence that either supports or refutes its value. 9. Adaptive Digital Game-based Learning Framework Tan et al. (2007) The model focuses on both of the design and learners aspects. In learners aspect, it consists of psychological needs, cognitive development, and learning behavior. In design elements, it consists of multimodal, task, and feedback. This is only a design model which is not providing the development methodology. This model is still new and needs several studies to support on it effectiveness. 10. Framework for Designing GBL for Children Noor Azli et al. (2008) A design model which is modified from Kiilis Model Emphasize cognitive presence by stressing the importance of reflective observation and knowledge construction The model specifically to Pre-school domain. This is only a design model which is not providing the development methodology. This model is still new and needs several studies to support on it effectiveness. 11. GBL Model for history courseware design Nor Azan Wong (2008) A design model The model focuses on components of history courseware design for Secondary school- upper level. The model consists of 2 components; pedagogy and digital games components. This is only a design model which is not providing the development methodology. This model is also still new and needs several studies to support on it effectiveness. Table 3: A summary of mGame and mGBL design models and methodologies 1. mGBL Model Mitchell et al. (2006) The mGBL models will be iteratively developed within a social-constructivist framework, using experiential learning and situated learning theories that see learning as a social activity constructed in interactions with others. This approach suits learning models delivered via mobile phones. Importantly, they will also support creative decision-making, encouraging players to consider decisions from different perspectives with a focus on mission, defining significant results and doing rigorous assessment. The mGBL model has been applied to these domain: e-health, e-commerce, career guidance, and m-government Although this model is the most relevant to mGBL, but it focuses on the design part. This is only a design model which is not providing the development methodology. 2. Integrated Model for Educational Game Design Paras Bizzocchi (2005) This model reconciles flow, learning, and motivation within an immersive game experience. The model shows that games foster play, which produces a state of flow, which then increases motivation, and lastly supports the learning process. This is only a design model which is not providing the development methodology. 3. Best Practice for Mobile Game Development Dholkawala (2005) This methodology suggests steps in developing mobile game in general from developing game concept until the trimming process. These guidelines are general use for developing mobile game which not includes the ID model. 4. Scrum Methodology McGuire (2006) The methodology is based on Agile Methodology. The iterative process is a main concern for this methodology. It focuses on the tasks given to each individual of the development team. This methodology also for general use for developing mobile game which not includes the ID model. 5. Game Development Methodology Dynamic Ventures, Inc. (2007) The methodology provides guideline to develop general mobile game It focuses on the feedback and input from the client, stakeholders and developers. The methodology is an iterative process. This methodology also for general use for developing mobile game which not includes the ID model. 6. Design-Protect-Build-Test-Market-Sell Edwards Coulton (2006) This methodology extends the Design-Build-Test philosophy. The added processes are protecting IP, marketing and selling games. The methodology is also an iterative process. This methodology also for general use for developing mobile game which not includes the ID model. 7. Game Development Process Novak (2004, 2007) The development process similar to multimedia development phases. The main focus of the methodology is the design documents such as game proposal, game design document, technical design document and test plan. This methodolo

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

The Telephone :: Free Essay Writer

The Telephone A number of inventors believed that voice and sounds might be carried over wires and all worked toward it but there was only one that ended up figuring it out. The first to achieve this everlasting success was a Scottish-born American inventor , Alexander Graham Bell, a teacher for the deaf in Boston, Massachusetts. Bell was born on March 3, 1847, in Edinburgh, Scotland, and was taught at the universities of Edinburgh and London. He moved to Canada in 1870 and to the United States in 1871. In the United States he began teaching deaf-mutes, publicizing the system called visible speech . His father, who was a Scottish teacher, developed visible speech, Alexander Melville Bell. Visible speech shows how the lips, tongue, and throat are used in the making of sound out of the mouth. In 1872 Bell opened a school to train teachers of the deaf in Boston. The school soon became part of Boston University, where Bell was assigned the professor of vocal physiology. He became a U.S. citizen in 1882. Since Bell was 18 years old, he was trying to come up with the idea of transmitting speech. In 1874, he figured out the basic parts of the telephone. The experiments with his assistant Thomas Watson finally was successful on March 10, 1876, when the first complete sentence was transmitted: â€Å"Watson, come here; I want you.† There were lots of different demonstrations showing the invention, but the most popular one was the one at the 1876 Centennial Exposition in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. This was when the telephone was introduced to the world and led to the organization of the Bell Telephone Company in 1877. When the Bell Telephone Company finally got going the company strongly dheld its patents so it will exclude others from the telephone business. After these patents expired in 1893 and 1894, independent telephone companies started up in many cities and most small towns.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Speech on Bullying.

Speech†¦ Imagine getting beaten up every day at school for no reason, by your class mates or maybe by some senior boys you don’t even know, or maybe even an adult. You come home in bruises and cuts and dried up blood. Can you imagine that? Or if you are a girl imagine getting teases every day. People calling you horrible names, mocking you because of your appearance or your back ground, you come home all sad and hurt inside.Can you imagine that? Or can you even imagine getting punch at and getting picked at calling you names in class and threating texts every minute whether you are in class or at home and your friends wouldn’t help you out because they are too scared of the bully and the bully would follow you home†¦ wouldn’t you feel scared? Imagine that? There are people who experience this in their day to day life.When bullied someone especially for a long time wheater its physical, verbal social or cyber, it would make the person’s life very miserable and in some very bad cases it might lead to killing themselves because they just can’t hand the pressure or the humiliation that they face every day. I’m going to tell you about bulling and why I think it is bad to bully someone! There are for types of bullying physical, verbal, cyber and social.Physical bullying as you know is when the bully punches, kicks, hits or any types of physical attacks. Then there is verbal bullying, basically what verbal bullying is, when the bully uses words to hurt or humiliate you. Verbal bullying includes name calling racist comments and insulting. Social bullying is a strange type of bullying because it kind of links with verbal bullying. Finally there is cyber bullying. Cyber bullying is when you are threated humiliated, harassed by the bullying using the internet.There is no limitation of cyber bullying because there is so many things you could do on the internet to cyber bully. You could get cyber bullied on Facebook, MySpa ce or msn or in some cases, the bullies can cyber bully you by just making a website just for you. Also the thing with cyber bulling is that it is a new type of bullying because if you go back 50years, there wouldn’t be any internet or any mobile phones therefore no cyber bullying!Personally I think that physical bullying is the least dangerous type of bullying because when you get physically bullied there will be scars or marks and your parents will know that something is wrong. Where verbal, social is and cyber you wouldn’t know when it will go away, you won’t know when the bully will stop calling you names and humiliating you Some of you might still argue that some bulling at a young age can be good for you because it will make you have to overcome problems and you will develop some social skills and learn that life isn’t always fair.I disagree with this because most of the victims can’t and won’t stand up for themselves and how would you develop social skills if people are rejecting you. Everybody learns that life isn’t always fair not through bullying but from maybe getting blamed for things they didn’t do or having to do chores at home every day. So what do you think of bullying now?

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Free Essays on Racism In A Worn Path

Racism in â€Å"A Worn Path† In Welty’s â€Å"A Worn Path†, Phoenix Jackson’s encounters with other characters as well as her thoughts and perceptions demonstrate a theme of impending black equality in the south after the civil war. Throughout the story there are many references to race and racism. Her thoughts and comments on the way to town, the hunter she happens upon, and her visit to the medical building all demonstrate that racism is an integral part of this story, and indeed a part of her time. The world that Phoenix lives in is a much different world than the one of today where equality is important. In her time, race was a very deciding factor on social hierarchy, and this is clearly indicated in, â€Å"A Worn Path.† On her way to town, Phoenix says while climbing up the tiresome hill that runs through the path, â€Å"Seem like there is chains about my feet, time I get this far.† This is clearly an indication of a reference to bound slaves that old Phoenix can remember from her younger years. She also notes, â€Å"Something always take a hold of me on this hill- pleads I should stay.† This statement seems to be referring to the blacks struggle to attain equality in a very unequal world during this period of unrest following the years of the civil war and the release of the slaves. Later as Phoenix continues, she sits to rest. While sitting, she witnesses a little boy who brings her a slice of marble cake. Clearly this illusion is brought on by very old age, but it also appears to be a reference by Welty depicting integration in the south, as represented by the black and white cake(SYKES P151). As she travels further on her journey, a black dog knocks her into a ditch. This in itself can be considered to have some bearing on the racist theme set so powerfully by Welty, ... Free Essays on Racism In A Worn Path Free Essays on Racism In A Worn Path Racism in â€Å"A Worn Path† In Welty’s â€Å"A Worn Path†, Phoenix Jackson’s encounters with other characters as well as her thoughts and perceptions demonstrate a theme of impending black equality in the south after the civil war. Throughout the story there are many references to race and racism. Her thoughts and comments on the way to town, the hunter she happens upon, and her visit to the medical building all demonstrate that racism is an integral part of this story, and indeed a part of her time. The world that Phoenix lives in is a much different world than the one of today where equality is important. In her time, race was a very deciding factor on social hierarchy, and this is clearly indicated in, â€Å"A Worn Path.† On her way to town, Phoenix says while climbing up the tiresome hill that runs through the path, â€Å"Seem like there is chains about my feet, time I get this far.† This is clearly an indication of a reference to bound slaves that old Phoenix can remember from her younger years. She also notes, â€Å"Something always take a hold of me on this hill- pleads I should stay.† This statement seems to be referring to the blacks struggle to attain equality in a very unequal world during this period of unrest following the years of the civil war and the release of the slaves. Later as Phoenix continues, she sits to rest. While sitting, she witnesses a little boy who brings her a slice of marble cake. Clearly this illusion is brought on by very old age, but it also appears to be a reference by Welty depicting integration in the south, as represented by the black and white cake(SYKES P151). As she travels further on her journey, a black dog knocks her into a ditch. This in itself can be considered to have some bearing on the racist theme set so powerfully by Welty, ...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Rhetorical Essay on the Gettysburg Adress and the Pearl Harbor Adress Essay Example

Rhetorical Essay on the Gettysburg Adress and the Pearl Harbor Adress Essay Example Rhetorical Essay on the Gettysburg Adress and the Pearl Harbor Adress Essay Rhetorical Essay on the Gettysburg Adress and the Pearl Harbor Adress Essay Essay Topic: The Pearl Gigi R. English 102 6 oct. 2013 Rhetorical Essay Speeches often correlate, especially when they are written for a similar audience in a similar situation. For example, President Franklin Delano Roosevelts Pearl Harbor Address appeals to Americans fear during the time of war. President Roosevelt states what has happened and how it will in turn affect the citizens of America. President Roosevelt also appeals to logic, stating that because America has been attacked, they must engage in World War II. In addition, President Roosevelt ives confidence to American citizens saying that, once they enter into World War II, they will win. Similarly, President Abraham Lincoln empathizes with American citizens. At this time, President Lincoln addresses Americans who have come together to commemorate the lives that America has lost during the Civil War. He encourages Americans to Join together to remember that these men have consecrated this ground. He encourages Americans to take courage and remember that they are together in a great country, Just as President Roosevelt encouraged Americans to continue to take pride in their country and not to be discouraged. Both President Lincoln and Roosevelt use pathos, or emotion, to empathize with American citizens as well as ethos, or credibility, to be able to point out issues because of their positions as presidents. In the Pearl Harbor Address, Franklin D. Roosevelt uses pathos more than logos or ethos to get to the American citizens emotions. He says, Hostilities exist. There is no blinking at the fact that our people, our territory, and our interests are in grave anger, letting the American people know that this is a serious matter and we should be cautious. He ends the speech by saying, With confidence in our armed forces, with the unbounding determination of our people, we will gain the inevitable triumph so help us God, bringing the peoples hopes back up again that this attack will not go unpunished. He uses a little bit of ethos by stating who he is when he says, As Commander in Chief of the Army and Navvy, I have directed that all measures be taken for our defense. But always will our whole nation remember the haracter of the onslaught against us. With this statement he lets the people know how important of a roll he has in the situation, that he knows what he is doing, and that he will take care of things. The first example of pathos that he uses scares the citizens about the situation but it also makes them feel as though something should be done about it. The second example brings their confidence back in that they will win this battle. He appeals to their emotions by making them fear awful things will happen if they do not tight back witn the Japanese. He then gives them selt-assurance that it they do go to war, they will be successful. Although ethos is the weakest of the appeals that he uses, he still states his title by establishing that he is the Commander in Chief of the Army and Navvy. This is good because he did not provide any examples of his moral character so his position as president and as commander and chief is what really gives him credibility in this speech. In the Gettysburg Address that Abraham Lincoln gives during the civil war he also uses pathos the most, since its a war and everyones emotions are scattered. He says The brave men, living and dead who struggled here have consecrated it far above our poor power to add or detract. He speaks about how the soldiers fought and died to create unity in the country. He then says, It is for us the living rather to be dedicated here to the unfinished work, which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. By saying this he is trying to motivate the Americans that the country will become unified. In the first example of pathos, Lincoln tugs at American citizens emotions by explaining how the men fought for what they each believed in to try and create a onnected country. In the second example he is trying to motivate the United States to continue to work on the soldiers goal to unify the country. He says, These dead shall not have died in vain, that this nation under God shall have a new birth of freedom, and that government of the people, by the people, for the people shall not perish from the earth. He doesnt want these soldiers death to go to waste, and the American citizens need to finish what has been started and become a whole again. In both the Pearl Harbor Address and the Gettysburg Address, pathos is the main hetorical point that is used. Since both speeches were by a president during the time of a war, they have several similarities. For instance, because both speeches occur at the height of an American military tragedy, the respective presidents utilize passionate appeals so that the American people feel the heartfelt sorrow and comfort of the Commander and Chief. In addition, these speeches that emphasize pathos have the ability to voice and appeal. They call out for the hearer to respond with greater patriotism. Also, the Gettysburg Address is a turning point for President Lincoln to unite the war torn country. His use of pathos gives him a way to communicate how the county needs healing. President Roosevelts address on Pearl Harbor has the power to move the emotions of Americans into war. Roosevelt pushes the buttons of the citizens on an emotional level to move a county into action. Both speeches encouraging that the county needs to build its self back together and heal. In that way these speeches are timeless examples of the emotional power of the use of pathos in speeches in American history.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Modest Proposal by Jonathan Swift Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Modest Proposal by Jonathan Swift - Essay Example It is during this time that Swift wrote this famous article. In the article, Swift goes to great detail to propose that small babies can be used as food and nourishment. In this paper, he is seen supporting and endorsing infanticide as well as cannibalism. He meticulously describes how a baby can be prepared as a delicacy and eaten. Swift’s Modest Proposal was a satirical piece of literature that used extreme irony to critic the actions of the English landlords. Yet, through this satirical piece, he never takes time to renounce this view and leaves the reader to be the moral judge, a very dangerous thing because there is a high chance that the reader may take the ideas literally.As Gordon (59) says, irony can be very useful when presenting serious ideas becaue it stresses the importance. In this article, Swift, an Anglo-Irish priest uses extreme irony without taking caution to make sure that there are no misunderstanding (, para 2). What Swift does in this articl e is to write in an ironical way that does not explicitly point to the irony, thus making it harder for the reader to be able to detect the irony. Throughout the paper, Swift uses the persona in the article to forward the crazy idea of eating a baby. He even goes to great lengths to describe the logic behind eating a baby. For instance, he describes that since babies don’t eat much until they are about one year old, and only depend on their mother’s milk during this age, they should be kept until this age and be used as food to feed the rest of the population.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Reflection about myself as innovation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Reflection about myself as innovation - Essay Example However, in this program, have learned that innovation is not something that you can wake up one day, and you start working on the project. Instead, it is something that needs proper planning coordination as well as cooperation amongst all staff members in the Company. Therefore, it is with consistency and determination that you will be able to come with something new and of substance. I therefore, learned that anyone who agrees to take risks is willing to put in more efforts, and he can emerge as a successful innovator. In our annual workshops at all companies, we have discussed this by evaluating four fundamental questions: how well does new technology goes hand in hand with the current legacy product and services? What are the organizational capabilities needed to handle emerging technology? However, from the new techniques that we learned from Lab Vlieland, we were able to introduce electric means of transportation to take up the place of weatherboards. It was an innovation that we had a lot of challenges putting ideas together but at last, it was an innovation of the year, and it had a lot of positive views from the clients. Initially, Lab Vlieland used water boards as a means of transporting its customers to and from the company. However, this was costly and time consuming. Therefore, with our innovative ability that we had acquired through thorough research as well as attending to various company workshops, we were able to come up with this idea of electric means of transportation. We found our idea through the vision of the company of being energy natural and reduce wastes in 2020. Therefore, we had to come up with an idea that will be less costly save time and with company